Scotty for HSE

Come on, man. If you were running, he'd vote for you.

No More Kids!

Ban any individuals under the age of 12 from setting foot upon school district property.

Lease out the buildings!

If we're eliminating over 70% of our student population, we might as well make some extra money! Let's lease the building out to a shady Russian corporation!

Safety First!

My plan to hire 40,000 young looking police officers and detectives to blend into the learning environment, and provide a safe haven for our students, while also furthering their own education.

Stop the "Radical Left"!

The "Radical Left" would have your kids believe crazy things, such as: "Refrigerating food is good!" and "My toes hurt!". I will keep this nonsense away from our youth.

No More Racism!

Discrimination based on race or sexual preference will NOT be tolerated. However, discrimination based on religious beliefs will not only be tolerated, but encouraged. So watch out.

Creativity Forward!

We will ban anything shaped like a rectangle. This includes smartphones, oil paintings, and textbooks. Square edges leads to square thinking.

Roundabout Education!

We will teach the Hamilton County teens that roundabouts are for fun, and should be driven in without care or regard for others. If you want safe drivers, go to Canada.

Mandatory Sensitivity Training!

Gone are the days of using the pronouns that a person simply appears to be. All staff, from Principal Alex Jones all the way down to Rodney, the night janitor, will be forced to watch our good boy videos.


Shoot an email over to [email protected] for more info!

And remember, a vote for me is a vote for somebody else!

Interview Requests: I do not interview, I am right and you are wrong. Vote for me.